Kim Tiong Owner of 134 Matchsticks
Kim Tiong, Owner of 134 Matchsticks has been a member of Business Referral Group, Manly Chapter since March 2015.
I am a mindset coach that helps empower my clients to create the life they want to live. Whether it is overcoming self-sabotaging behaviours getting in the way of creating financial abundance, releasing blocks from the root cause that prevent someone having fulfilling relationships, helping my clients to rebuild a connection with themselves and find their purpose, helping to overcome limiting habits and limiting self beliefs holding someone back in their career, or releasing long-held emotional pain, and much more. Specific client outcomes include helping people overcome the pain of divorce and move on with their lives, assisting a client reach her goal of presenting at a renowned international conference in South Africa, assisting clients in transition to either find their ‘dream job’ or start a new business, and helping clients reach specific financial goals.
BRG has given me the opportunity to expand my network and have more of a presence in the local area, provided the opportunity to form supportive and mutually beneficial working relationships with other independent business owners, as well as the opportunity to learn and get new ideas from other business owners.
Member of Manly Business Referral Group
Manly Chapter meets every second Wednesday at 7:00Am, at Lifestyle Working (Manly Room), 117 Old Pittwater Rd, Brookvale NSW
The networking meeting starts at 7:00 AM sharp to 8:30 AM
Like to attend this chapter ? contact Business Referral Group for your FREE Visit
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