Getting Clients Today

Tanya Gray Director of Getting Clients Today


Tanya Gray, Director of Getting Clients Today has been a member of Balmain BRG since 2012.

Getting Clients Today supports medium to large business to grow their sales revenue by double figures in 3 to 6 months.

From over 27 years of managing teams to get more clients and revenue in both corporate and SME’s I have developed a sales performance improvement program to ensure repeatable best practice that drives sustainable sales growth.

My process starts by defining the activities and sales skills that drive success for a client’s market to isolate what is working and what is getting in the way of sales growth.

We then work alongside your business to implement and embed the shifts in sales strategy, sales process, and sales skills and behaviours, as needed.

What makes us unique is our:
1. Holistic and sustainable approach to sales improvement, and
2. Our passion to improve the way sales people sell in Australia and changing their reputation from loathed to respected and appreciated.
3. Our focus on working within a culture, with the team and the individuals to ensure change is fun, exciting and delivers measurable results, quickly.

BRG is a sounding board, advice panel and supportive likeminded people.

I have helped a few members work on the selling skills and selling process to have better sales conversations with their clients – resulting in greater loyalty, higher spend per account and converting more leads, faster. Success has ranged from 15% to 60% growth.

The values of BRG are more genuine and supportive than other groups and I now consider the members friends, colleagues, advocates and my reality check!



Member of Balmain Business Referral Group

Balmain Chapter meets every second Wednesday at 7:15Am, at The Hanging Ladder, 485A Darling Street, Balmain NSW

The networking meeting starts at 7:30 AM  sharp to 8:30 AM

Like to attend this chapter ? contact Business Referral Group for your FREE Visit

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