Avvora Finance

Ken Hew Director of Avvora Finance


Ken Hew Director of Avvora Finance has been a member of BRG North Ryde since July 2016.

I have 5 years of Finance Broking experience. Drawing 7 years of knowledge from the Superannuation industry, I believe in helping borrowers make informed decisions, through research and gathering information. I take a long term approach to work out which loan product will address immediate needs while being aligned to longer term goals. There is always a push to challenge the status quo and find unique solutions to access credit to fund client goals.

BRG has allowed my business to gain exposure to other professional services and how we can collaborate to maximise marketing results. Our chapter is a supportive group of business owners, creating an open environment for ideas and having members as a sounding board.

Members beneift from my services by getting regular updates on lending policy changes and trends in the home loan market. Member’s also get insights on how the credit market works and a lender’s perpective for loan approval.

A learning from being a member of the North Ryde Chapter are the different challenges businesses face. There are also insights on different stages of businesses of varying size. It’s made me a better communicator and improved my networking and presentation skills.


Member of Ryde Business Referral Group

Ryde Chapter meets every second Thursday at 7:15Am, at The Dining & Co Cafe, 11 Avon Road, North Ryde NSW

The networking meeting starts at 7:30 AM  sharp to 8:30 AM

Like to attend this chapter ? contact Business Referral Group for your FREE Visit


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